Pure Minds


Sexual temptation is around every corner in the world we live in today. Are you prepared for when temptation comes? Is your heart focused on Christ and not on earthly passions and idols? Sexual immorality is mentioned in scripture over twenty-five times. Paul makes it a point emphasis in his letters in the New Testament. I cannot help but think the reason Paul makes this is such an emphasis, is that he knew how dangerous this sin was and is to the Christian.

As a fellow believer that was once addicted to pornography and lust, I can relate to those of you reading this that are in the constant cycle of falling to the temptation and sin that is sexual immorality. I want to encourage you that no matter where you are, we always need to be relying, praying and seeking God to give us the strength to continue to push against lust and the passions of the flesh. The words in 1 Peter remind us of this. “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.” 1 Peter 2:11. These passions can be found in Galatians 5, and the first one mentioned is sexual immorality and the second is impurity. Men, we have to fight against the passions of the flesh. We cannot be passive and give into our selfish desires, if we do; we put ourselves at risk to be destroyed by this sin.

So how do we fight? I do not have all the answers to this, but I have some things that I believe scripture tells us and some things that helped me as continue to push back against sexual immorality in my life. The first is we cannot tolerate and make excuses for the sexual sin in our lives. Proverbs 7 gives us a strong warning. “All at once he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a stag is caught fast till an arrow pierces its liver; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost him his life.” Proverbs 7:22-23. If we tolerate sexual sin, it can eventually lead to complete destruction. If we lie about the depth of our struggle or blame others for our sin, then we are doing nothing but making an excuse to continue sinning. Another way is with weapons and accountability. No, not the harmful weapons, but the spiritual ones God gives us. Some of these weapons are Gods word, prayer, accountability software, confession and accountability.

We need men in our lives that are asking the hard questions and checking on the condition of our heart. When is the last time you looked at porn? How is the lust in your mind this week? Is your heart focused on Chris this week or on earthly passions? We have to ask tough and uncomfortable questions. If you aren’t then who is? Asking those questions and walking along side each other to stay pure is an act of love. I want men that love me enough to ask me those questions and keep pressing when I seem distant. “Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.” Proverbs 27: 9.

-Rusty Meeks

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